The Signature Gallery Make Your Life Beautiful! Wed, 10 Jun 2020 20:16:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Signature Gallery 32 32 Response to Coronavirus Mon, 23 Mar 2020 21:41:21 +0000 To our wonderful guests, We understand the seriousness of our country’s current situation and are taking every measure possible to continue to provide excellent, concierge-level service to our patrons.

We are following the guidelines established for cleanliness in our galleries as well as encouraging social distancing, private viewings, and home shows.

Feel free to call or email with any questions.
Our website is up-to-date and we are available to help you with all your art needs.

Christmas in Laguna Thu, 12 Dec 2019 23:45:34 +0000 Hospitality Night in Laguna Beach is always lots of fun and last Friday night was no exception. The Signature Gallery on Forest Avenue was aglow with holiday cheer. It was a wonderful celebration and Santa made his appearance, in spite of the rain.

Laguna Beach Gallery Christmas
The Signature Gallery Laguna Beach
Bella’s Glow, Art that Heals Fri, 15 Nov 2019 03:07:35 +0000 The Signature Gallery Laguna Beach was fortunate enough to facilitate a relationship between one of our artists, Joelle Blouin, and a collector mature beyond her years at just 13 years of age, Bella.

In November of 2008, Bella was diagnosed with Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP), a rare autoimmune/blood disorder.  Antibodies, which are supposed to attack infections, instead mistakenly destroy platelets that help blood clot, which stops bleeding. 

Joelle Blouin and Bella at the unveiling of “Bella’s Glow”

Usually, a person has a platelet count of 150,000 to 400,000.  As of this moment, Bella has zero platelets. During the last 11 years, she has been hospitalized many times and continues to routinely be seen by experts in the field of hematology.

Due to ITP, Bella has been unable to participate in any sports or physical education.  As a result, her interests lie elsewhere. She loves to read, and she adores art. 

She felt a strong connection to Joelle Blouin’s work the minute she saw it in our Laguna Beach location.  So much so, that Bella’s parents commissioned Joelle to paint a personalized abstraction of hope and strength that encapsulates “Bella’s Glow”.

Joelle, personally touched by this young woman’s bravery and inner-strength took it upon herself to create a depiction of not only the vibrancy Bella holds within her soul but a combination of the different “tints and shades” life has to offer so Bella can enjoy this painting for years to come.

After pouring her own heart and soul into this piece, Joelle made a surprise appearance at the unveiling of the commissioned art piece to Bella in the Laguna Beach art gallery. It was a moment that everyone in the viewing room will remember forever.

Though there is no known cure for Immune Thrombocytopenia, Bella remains positive, brave, and optimistic. She will always have hope and continue planning for the bright future she has ahead of her.

Joelle’s piece will be proudly displayed in Bella’s room where she can see it. It will remind her she has her “Glow” and that everyone she comes into contact with is given the feeling she gets from that piece, every day.

Paige Bradley Sculpting Live Wed, 07 Aug 2019 00:16:09 +0000 The Signature Gallery was honored to have Paige Bradley sculpting live for 2 hours on Saturday afternoon, August 3, in the Laguna Beach Gallery This was Paige’s first show and demonstration in Laguna Beach since 2003. The group that gathered was mesmerized, watching the clay come to life before their eyes.

Her model is local young dancer and actress, Guilianna Gerard. The finished sculpture will be available at special precast pricing.

See more of Paige’s work.

Beautiful Evening! Tue, 14 May 2019 22:14:13 +0000 Jenny Simon’s collectors feasted on her beautiful artwork, delicious treats, and live music at an evening reception featuring the iconic shores and cliffs of Laguna Beach.

The evening was a great success!

Front of gallery web

Check it Out! Fri, 22 Mar 2019 23:02:19 +0000 Charles Pabst – Another Norman Rockwell?

Charles Pabst’s spectacular piece, “Grand Canyon Light” was selected for the cover of the latest edition of Saturday Evening Post.
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Grand Canyon as a national park and this edition of the Post celebrated it in a big way with the stunning cover and a fascinating article “Rafting the Canyon.” What an honor for Charles!

Pick yours up today!

P.S. “Grand Canyon Light” is still available as a Limited Edition giclee.
Call any of our 3 galleries to purchase this memorable piece.

Celebrating 20 Years! Mon, 25 Feb 2019 21:59:47 +0000 It’s been 20 years since the very first Signature Gallery opened in Scottsdale! This past weekend, we were able to celebrate with our collectors, friends, and family. A huge thank you to all those who have supported the gallery and continue to come to us for the best in fine art.

October “Spirit” Wed, 31 Oct 2018 18:57:51 +0000 This new arrival by Reid Richardson sets the tone for this Halloween season.

12″ x 12″, Oil on Canvas. Click here to see details.

Our September Featured Artist- Jammey Huggins Fri, 14 Sep 2018 19:44:50 +0000 We are so excited to announce that Jammey Huggins is our featured artist for the month of September!

Born and raised in West Texas, she has always had a love for the Southwest. This shows in her beautiful bronze sculptures that are full of detail and the mysticism of the West. Jammey hopes that when viewing her creations, they will evoke memories and emotions from your own experiences with both wildlife and human beings.

For this month only, receive 10% off your very own Jammy Huggins bronze by calling (505)983-1050. See all of her work here!

A Happy Collector! Wed, 08 Aug 2018 21:46:56 +0000 This Michael Pabst piece looks stunning in its new home.
